Something we have done well...

Amongst the qualities shared, identify one that you observed that we have done well as a team.

Share your observation/experience...

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  1. We put aside ALL our negative emotions and worked towards a successful SST Inaugural Open House! Forward SST!! *.^

  2. Reduce Politics to the min

  3. Definitely a team that demonstrates the epitome of passion, professionalism and teamwork.

  4. We have demonstrated a high level of commitment and energy as the SST team to ensure that the necessary work is delivered

  5. Eunice
    We have worked collaboratively through all forms of events like parents' seminars, Open House, Learning Quest and Discovery Quest to push the number of DSA applicants to above our target so far.

  6. Based on how we have worked together as a team in the last few months, what I truly appreciate is that we are very willing to step up and put in effort over and above what is required of our job scope. It was heartening to have team mates rallying around you when help was sought.

  7. The team in SST has shown strong tenacity especially shown through the various key events such as Open House and parents seminar. The team is also to pull through challenges to ensure the success of these events.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. That we can get the job done.

  10. I think one quality that surfaced pretty strongly over the months is Working together COLLABORATIVEly.

    We bring with us the knowledge/ skills/ expertise/ experiences we know and contribute to areas we are involved in.

    Glad to see that some of us also bother to share with others when we think we could make positive contribution (though we are not directly involved in those areas.

    This brings out the spirit of team work. So, a team is not necessary one that's defined in black-and-white (as a member of the work group), but a team as the whole staff working together.

    Of course, this 'bother'ness comes in varying degree. Hope to see more of us to become more forthcoming - "Each person brings something to the table that adds value to the relationship and synergy to the team".

    To stretch this 'team spirit' a little, perhaps, if we are aware of the 'unsurfaced' expertise around that could value-add to areas that they are not involved in, let's help to direct such expertise to the team!
